Turning breech fear into Triumph-Myjourney with chiropractic care

When my daughter flipped into the breech position, I was so scared, stressed, and doing everything I could to get her head down.

For my second pregnancy, we chose the midwife who delivered Bella. It just made sense. However, during my midwife’s vacation in Hawaii, she got hit by a rogue wave and required neck surgery. Her backup midwife didn’t feel like the right fit to help our family welcome our daughter Earthside. I couldn't ignore this strong, intense feeling.

At 32 weeks, I decided to transfer care, but soon realized my daughter had flipped into the breech position. Apparently, this is common for chiropractors due to their line of work and adjusting people all day long. I discovered that at this stage, many OBs wouldn’t accept me as a patient, and we couldn’t afford another midwife’s fee, which is typically the same regardless of when you transfer care.

Feeling stressed, scared, and unsure of what was going to happen, I began researching all the ways to naturally get my daughter to flip head down: Spinning Babies, moxibustion, womb massage and obviously, chiropractic care and the Webster technique. I believe she flipped initially due to my stress about not having our planned midwife and additional stress when OBs I believed supported our birth hopes didn’t accept me as a patient. 

This was supposed to be my “easy birth”—my redemption and healing from my first difficult and messy delivery. Now, I didn’t even know where I was going to have this baby, and it might end up in surgery because she was in the breech position. As a Webster-certified chiropractor, I felt even more pressure to get her head down and in the optimal birthing position. 

For weeks, I tried everything I could at home. I used a slant board, which my husband disapproved of when he wasn’t home, so I stabilized a piece of plywood on the couch to lay on. My amazing cousin played hip hop music for the baby and gave me intuitive abdominal massages, which I believe helped relax my belly muscles. I went to swimming pools and did handstands. I used frozen peas on my belly and a flashlight between my legs, as babies often move away from cold and towards light. I got a womb massage. I reasoned with her, begged, and prayed.

There were many moments when she seemed to move, but something would stop her, and she’d return to the breech position. Despite my brave face and positive attitude, the stress and uncertainty were overwhelming.

Finally, I found an OB who had delivered our friends' babies. She agreed to take me on and respect our birth hopes. She scheduled me for an External Cephalic Version (ECV), but the required medication to relax my belly could increase heart rates, which frightened me. I worried it might end in an emergency C-section. I was told to pack a bag and show up on Monday for the ECV.

A midwife in my older daughter’s class heard about my situation and offered to help. Despite our financial constraints, she and her partner helped me with my baby. They gently moved her little foot out of my pelvis, and my daughter flipped head down. Though there was no sonogram to confirm it, the midwives advised me to walk the hills to ensure her head stayed down.

On Monday, I arrived at the hospital, hoping to convince the OB to try the ECV without medication. A nurse’s comment about my belly looking weird and my baby being breech almost shattered my hope. However, my OB’s smile during the sonogram was a relief—my baby had flipped! I was told I wouldn’t go past 40 weeks, but Payton arrived on her terms at exactly 42 weeks, two hours before a scheduled induction.

Payton will be 17 this year, and her personality now matches her determined nature in the womb. Her birth wasn’t what I imagined, but it brought redemption and healing from my first delivery. I believe her birth paved the way for easier births in future generations.

This experience reinforced my belief in the power of chiropractic care and natural techniques. It’s a journey of faith, perseverance, and the incredible support of those around us. For anyone facing a breech baby or pregnancy challenges, know that there is hope and support available. Visit our Breech Babies tab to learn more ways to encourage your baby to be in optimal birthing position.

At Focus Chiropractic we specialize in supporting families through every stage of pregnancy and beyond. If you’re facing similar challenges or seeking holistic care, contact us today to learn how we can help you on your journey to a healthy, happy birth experience.


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